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sábado, 16 de junio de 2012

Poetas acorralados, sketch perdido de Not Only But Also

Esta foto pertenece a un sketch llamado “Poets Cornered… (que fue borrado por la BBC para reutilizar los films) en el que Cook y Moore improvisan un poema so pena de ser arrojados a un tanque de lodo o basura. Dice algo así la descripción de la foto. Es una pena que se haya perdido ese material.

Fuente: Tumblr Fuck Yeah Peter Cook!
According to the site this image is taken from, it’s from Not Only… But Also…, but was alas wiped by the BBC:
And, forever turning up like a magnetically erased ghost at the feast of reminiscence, there’s Poets Cornered, the end-of-show I’m Sorry, Whose Clue is it Anyway?progenitor wherein Cook, Moore and guest star try and keep an improvised poem going under pain of being dunked in a pre-Crackerjack tank of gunge. Everyone who recalls this remembers it being screamingly funny, and inevitably not a second of it exists.

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